Living Springs Q&a

Q&A #309- Becoming a Pastor, Catholic purgatory, Adopting catholic practice, Cliques, and maybe more



In episode #309, Pastors Kyle and Blake discuss the following: 1. I am graduating this year and hoping to attend school to become a pastor. I’m curious if you can talk about what credentials you need to preach? Additionally, if there aren’t necessarily credentials, how do you go about preaching in a church? How does one go about becoming a leadership staff? 2.Is there a scriptural basis for the Catholic view of purgatory? Where does that come from?Have you ever participated in or observed an exorcism? Would you say that there are “too many” exorcisms done in our culture (I.e. people over exaggerating struggles as demon possession)? Or “too few” (I.e. underestimating the influence of evil spirits)?3.If you had to adopt any Catholic practice (that is not adopted by the church already), which one would it be? Is there any practice that you vehemently would not adopt?4.Are cliques a symptom of any public setting? We are relatively new to the church and can find it to be a bit cliquey, is this something you’ve hea