Sales Reinvented

Use LinkedIn to Establish Credibility David Fisher, Ep #371



Your LinkedIn profile is your personal professional website. What do you look for when you go to a company’s website? What gives you the best first impression? What encourages you to find out more? Whatever someone sees first makes the most impact. It’s the same on LinkedIn. We live in a digital-first world. The first time we interact with someone—or decide whether or not we want to continue to interact with someone—is online.  LinkedIn has cemented itself as the place we look for credibility. So how do you sell yourself without being salesy? How do you make connections that turn into real-world conversations? David Fisher shares his go-to strategies in this episode of Sales Reinvented.  Outline of This Episode [1:02] Is a compelling LinkedIn profile important? [2:06] What elements have the greatest impact on sales? [3:25] How to tell your professional story on LinkedIn [4:54] The balance between professionalism and personality [7:46] How often should you update your LinkedIn profile?  [10:06] Tools to measu