Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Getting the Best Results from Your Probate Direct Mail Campaigns



Getting the best results from your probate direct mail campaigns is important. I’m often asked if there is a way to maximize those marketing dollars spent each month, and the answer is yes there is. It all begins with creating a memorable experience at each and every interaction with these sellers. You need to find genuine ways to make the sellers’ lives easier during this process. It also involves following a proven process for probate direct mail marketing, and that’s what we’ll be talking about today.   [00:01:29 - 00:05:45] - Creating a Memorable First Impression Goal is to solve sellers' problems and make process easy Direct mail letter makes crucial first impression Make initial call to gather info and understand needs Use property visit to show understanding and respect [00:05:46 - 00:10:02] - Turning "No" into "Yes" Through Follow Up 80% of deals come from follow up after "no" Ask to follow up in case Plan A falls through Use mail, calls, texts to stay top of mind Find out what's holding them back