Richer Soul: Life Beyond Money. You Got Rich Now What? Focus On Freedom, Abundance, Financial Security, Early Retirement, We

Ep 357 Escape the Rat Race and Create Lasting Wealth with Chris Miles



 Escape the Rat Race and Create Lasting Wealth Takeaway:  Do business in a way that makes you happy Money Learnings: Chris grew up in a household where money was scarce and his father's stressful job negatively impacted his health. Despite these challenges, Chris overcame the scarcity mindset and pursued entrepreneurship, finding control over his own destiny and financial freedom. Bio: Chris Miles, the Cash Flow Expert and Anti-Financial Advisor, is a leading authority teaching entrepreneurs and professionals how to get their money working for them TODAY! He’s an author, podcast host of the Money Ripples Podcast, has been featured in US News, CNN, Money, Entrepreneurs on Fire, BiggerPockets, and has a proven reputation with his company, Money Ripples ( getting his clients fast, financial results. In fact, his personal clients have increased their cash flow by $300+ Million in the last 13 years! Highlights from this episode:  Chris discovered a path to early retirement and financial