Grace Church

A Seat at the Table for Everyone | The Gospel of Mark: A Movement of Misfits | Week 3



Big idea: Jesus redefines who’s in and who’s out. 5 Conflict Narratives.  the healing of the paralytic man eating with tax collectors and sinners the question of fasting plucking grain on the sabbath healing the man with the withered hand.  The conflict narratives follow a basic pattern.  Jesus acts The authorities disapprove  Jesus self-discloses and aspect of his identity  Jesus’ radical redefinition of who’s in and who’s out:  Jesus includes those you’d least expect (:14)  Jesus models friendships with the outcasts (:15-17)  True disciples of Jesus prioritize relationship over rituals (:18-20)  A Few Words about Fasting.Fasting = denying your physical appetite in order to prioritize your relationship with God. The primacy of Joy. Next Step: Wrestle with the Holy Spirit over these discipleship questions:  How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently?  Who’s an outcast in your life that Jesus is prompting you to invite to dinner?  Find all the supporting resources at