Pursue Your Spark

#198 How Quitting Alcohol for a Month Can Boost Your Health



In today's episode, we embarked on an insightful journey into the world of Sober October. We kicked things off by asking, 'What's Sober October?' It's more than just a month; it's an opportunity to hit the reset button on our relationship with alcohol. Many use alcohol for stress, hormonal changes, or societal pressures. But what if I told you there are other ways to unwind, celebrate, and cope without that trusty wine glass? So, this episode is for you whether you're curious about Sober October, are keen on making a lifestyle change, or are interested in healthier alternatives. We explored why taking a break from alcohol can be a game-changer for our physical and emotional well-being. We also ventured into the world of adaptogens, these incredible natural substances that can help us adapt to stress. Imagine ginseng, ashwagandha, and Rhodiola rosea working their magic. They're gaining traction as we all seek more natural ways to handle stress, but remember, the science is still unfolding. Now, here'