Govern ... This!?

Running ‘Independent’ at 21 with Jordan Templeman – GT006



It was a refreshing to sit down and chat with Independent Candidate and 21 year old Political Science student Jordan Templeman. I enjoyed hearing his well considered thoughts on all the major issues, the major political parties and his experience so far running in this election. It was encouraging and inspiring.... and I definitely learned a lot once again. We covered many of the same topics from my chats with Dr. Chris Maxwell and Andrew Reeve, but from yet another perspective - the Independent perspective, as well as delving into some new areas. - Visit Jordan on Facebook Some topics we cover include: - Running as an independent and his decision to give this a go - Whips - they have a place, but maybe not all the time (the Greens might have a good thing going here) - Minority & Majority Government - His Platform, where he lands on the political spectrum (Left/Right) and how he'd want to support his riding/community - Campaigning and how there is often party bashing and pointing fingers, his view... "I