Govern ... This!?

Voting & Political Insights with Andrew Reeve – GT005



This chat with Andrew was really fun and I learned a ton! He is great at explaining things and has quite the resume which he skims through during our chat. Andrew is a Political Science graduate from the University of Victoria who works in the Whip's Office at the Legislature. He is also currently the Campaign Manager for Esquimalt-Metchosin Liberal Candidate Barb Desjardins for the coming 2017 BC Election on May 9th. (** I should note that all of the thoughts and opinions he gives here are His alone and he is Not speaking on behalf of any political party or candidate). We cover a lot of stuff in this episode and it's hard to narrow some bullet points down to give you a good overview - as I find so much of it to be important for this coming election... but here are a few things that you'll hear us talk about: - His background and how he got to leading a campaign for the 2017 BC Election - The different voting styles people tend to use - party based, local candidate based or issue based - The lack of civic/p