Free Music Archive Presents Grey Area With Jason Sigal | Wfmu

"Copyright Alert System" w/ Casey Rae-Hunter (Future of Music Coalition) & Sherwin Siy (Public Knowledge) from Jul 15, 2011



Cooper-Moore - "Banjo Arba Minch Garden" - A Retrospective 1990-2010 (set 1) [Free Music Archive] Lucky Dragons - "Givers" - Dream Island Laughing Language [Free Music Archive] White Life - "Stop This From The Start" - White Life [ Free Music Archive] Music behind DJ: Lucky Dragons Set: Copyright Alert System Casey Rae-Hunter (Future of Music Coalition) & Sherwin Siy (Public Knowledge) - "talkin' Copyright Alert System & Center of Copyright Information" [On July 7th, America's major Internet Service Providers, music, and film industries announced an agreement to cooperate on anti-piracy measures. They will establish an Orwellian "Center for Copyright Information" to monitor Peer-to-Peer networks, and to send out Copyright Alerts. The six alert levels start out as educational warnings, but may escalate to "mitigation measures" including the disruption of Internet access. Casey Rae-Hunter is Deputy Director at the Future of Music Coalition, a nonprofit working to ensure a diverse musical culture whe