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Paul Boutin re: The Age of Music Piracy is Officially Over from Dec 20, 2010



GDFX - "excerpt" - Altered Ego [ Free Music Archive] Learning Music - "Larger (feat. Andrew Aged)" - LMM 3.8 - LARGER [Free Music Archive] Mac 68K - "Sum Beat" - Experimental Apple [ Music Composed in HyperCard] Set: Paul Boutin: "The Age of Music Piracy Is Officially Over" Will 2010 go down as the year people quit downloading music illegally? Guest Paul Boutin writes about social networks and digital media for the New York Times, reviews books for the Wall Street Journal, and his latest Wired Magazine essay declared that "The age of stealing music via the Internet is officially over". Boutin describes how technological innovations have made the prospect of paying for digital music way more appealing than it was in Napster's heyday. But even as the hand of law came down this year against popular filesharing websites like Limewire and the Pirate Bay, Pirate Party leader Rick Falkvinge made quite the opposite declaration: "File sharing is increasing every day and the only thing this means is that more an