Free Music Archive Presents Grey Area With Jason Sigal | Wfmu

w/ Dave Haynes (Soundcloud / Music Hack Day / OpenMusicMedia) from Nov 15, 2010



Debmaster - "Clap Your Head" - Grossmutter [Free Music Archive] Music behind DJ: YACHT - "I'm In Love With a Ripper (instr)" - See Mystery Lights (Instrumentals) [Free Music Archive // CC BY-NC-SA] Set: Dave Haynes interview Dave Haynes - "interview with Jason" - at Idle Hands Bar NYC, Nov 9th 2010 [Dave Haynes is VP Business Development for SoundCloud and was recently listed by the British Council as one of the UK's Young Music Entrepreneurs. He is also the founder of Music Hack Day and OpenMusicMedia, which hit NYC this week for a free discussion on "Music Discovery: Humans vs Hackers". The OMM event took place at the Lower East Side bar formerly known as Robots, where -- after a few whiskeys -- Jason caught up with Dave to chat about open source, freemium, Justin Bieber, and the music industry's slow embrace of technological innovation.] End of set Spinnaface - "Dansu ga Suki" - Music For The People [ Free Music Archive // CC BY-NC-SA] Stealing Orchestra - "Uma Pândega de Paranóias, Fobias e Mania da Per