Reps Of Discipline

Redefining Limits: The Power of Setting Aggressive Goals in Fitness and Life



From a novice in CrossFit to a dedicated strength trainer with a 500-pound squat, I've learned that setting aggressive goals is the key to extraordinary achievement. This episode will inspire you to rethink your approach to goal-setting, expand your comfort zone, and push yourself beyond what you believe to be your limit. We'll share a powerful perspective on why you should aim high and how every minute of your day can be harnessed to attain those audacious goals. Moreover, we'll examine the exhilarating journey towards reaching these audacious goals and the personal fulfillment that accompanies the process. We'll discuss my own experience of setting a goal to squat 500 pounds and the thrilling accomplishment of achieving it when I didn't even know what a squat was (true story) when I first started CrossFit to now. Hard and fast societal norms may tell you to set moderate, achievable goals, but this episode will challenge you to break those chains, set extreme goals, and reach for gre