The Intuitive Woman

417: Interview with Heather Ross/ Living with your Child's Addiction



Today on the podcast I speak with Coach, Heather Ross.    I know you will enjoy this conversation as much as I enjoyed creating it for you.    Please find Heather at: Instagram: FaceBook Group:     Heather Ross is the mother of a child who struggled with addiction, a Certified Parent Support Coach, Invitation to Change Certified, CRAFT trained, and the host of the popular podcast called Living with Your Child’s Addiction. Heather tried all the approaches the professionals recommended even though they didn’t feel right to her. She tried tough love, waiting for her daughter to hit rock bottom, and other traditional approaches that are confrontational and based on stigma rather than science. Those approaches caused chaos in her home, intense stress for the whole family, and destroyed her relationship with her daughter.  Feeling desperate and defeated, Heather stopped everythi