Crafting A Meaningful Life With Mary Crafts-homer

(Ep 297) The Courage to Commit with Roger Comstock



Character is found in consistency. You need to keep pushing forward even when it gets tough! Roger Comstock shares his journey from working as an analyst to starting his own company, $0 Startup. He emphasizes the importance of gratitude, growth, and giving in crafting a meaningful life. Roger explains how $0 Startup helps individuals turn their dreams into reality by teaching them how to create recurring income through service-based arbitrage. Roger's story is a testament to the power of dreaming deeply and taking action. By focusing on gratitude, growth, and giving, we can find true fulfillment and make a positive impact on the world. It is through facing our fears, changing our self-image, and seeking help that we can embark on a journey of transformation. So, let us dream, act, and transform as we craft our way to a meaningful life! Learn more about $0 Startup: Who Is Roger Comstock?  Roger is a serial entrepreneur who has developed an affinity and obsession for busines