Jfprhc Podcast

Prescribing not prosecuting: the impact of healthcare professionals. FSRH’s Current Choices



In this podcast, Janie Foote, Editorial Manager of the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care (JFPRHC) talks to two of the participants at one of the afternoon workshops held at the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare’s Current Choices Conference held in London, UK in November 2016. The workshop was entitled ‘Prescribing not prosecuting: the impact of healthcare professionals’ legal duties on women and girls’ and it was led by Dr Jayne Kavanagh, Principal Clinical Teaching Fellow at University College London (UCL) Medical School, and Specialty Doctor in sexual and reproductive health at the Margaret Pyke Centre in London. Dr Kavanagh is a Principal Clinical Teaching Fellow at UCL, where she is responsible for designing and delivering the medical ethics and law undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at UCL Medical School. The workshop considered two controversial and timely topics, namely (1) the potential impact on consultations of mandatory recording, sharing and reporting of