The Meb Faber Show

Robeco – The Cross-Section of Stock Returns before 1926 (and beyond) (The Best Investment Writing Volume 6)



Today’s episode features Guido Baltussen, Bart Van Vliet and Pim Van Vliet reading their piece, The Cross-Section of Stock Returns before 1926 (and beyond) Guido Baltussen is Head of Robeco’s Factor Investing strategies and Co-head of the Quant Fixed Income team. Bart P. Van Vliet is a Client Portfolio Manager at Robeco. Pim Van Vliet is Head of Conservative Equities and Head of Robeco’s Quantitative Equities department. The Best Investment Writing series features top research pieces that we’ve shared via The Idea Farm in the past year. Subscribe here so you get these sent to you each week. Check out the past series of The Best Investment Writing below: Volume 5 Volume 4 Volume 3 Volume 2 Volume 1 ----- Follow Meb on Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube For detailed show notes, click here To learn more about our funds and follow us, subscribe to our mailing list or visit us at ----- Today’s episode is sponsored by Stream by AlphaSense. Stream is an expert transcript library used by people