Peter Esho Podcast

Resilience, Starting Small and Building Atomic Habits (Snezana Djuric)



In the latest CEO Coaching Series, Peter Esho speaks with Snezana Djuric about resilience, starting small, thinking big and developing atomic habits for long term corporate success. Djuric shares her profound insights on the significance of accountability and self-reflection, emphasizing the importance of resisting the urge to find external blame when confronted with adversity. Instead, she champions the idea of looking inwards, asking oneself what can be learned from every situation. Drawing from Stephen Covey's "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", Djuric elaborates on concentrating efforts on areas within one's control, offering an enlightening perspective on how to navigate life's hurdles. Djuric, an experienced coach, also outlines her coaching methods, which revolve around posing powerful questions to instigate self-realization. These techniques help individuals identify the root of their issues, establish concrete goals, and craft actionable steps towards achieving them.