Pursue Your Spark

#199 Tips to Reverse-Engineer and Re-Imagine Midlife/ft. Wendy Valentine



Today, we're chatting with Wendy Valentine. Wendy's is not just a writer and speaker but also a top-ranked podcast host who helps people over 50 improve their lives. Wendy has an extraordinary story. After hitting midlife, she faced a series of life-altering events - a divorce, the loss of her brother, and crippling debt. These led her into a deep depression, pushing her to confront various aspects of her life. However, she didn't let these trials define her. Instead, she leveraged her experience to gain wisdom, reclaim her life, and launch her successful show.  But Wendy is a fighter. She turned these hardships into stepping stones, gaining wisdom, reclaiming her life, and eventually birthing her successful podcast. But her journey didn't stop there. Wendy now lives in an RV, travels across the country, and continues to inspire women through her podcast wherever she goes. Her life on wheels represents her adventurous spirit and commitment to reaching and inspiring as many people as possible. Her mi