Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

Talk Therapy: Friendship Series - Reflect & Forgive



This week we're starting new series on Talk Therapy all about friendship.  Scripture: Proverbs 18:24,"Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family." Process:  Draw a friend timeline What themes did you notice in your friendships? Who do you need to forgive? Challenge: Forgive whoever God asks you to release. Bless them. Consider writing them a letter you never mail or use the “empty chair” technique and read the letter aloud to them, then shred it. Resource: In my book, Image Restored, the last counselor cornerstone activity is called the "Community Wheel." If you don’t have the book, go to to learn more and purchase a copy. If you aren’t yet subscribed to my email newsletter, do that today as we are emailing a pdf download of the community wheel to the community. Go to click the freebies tab and subscribe to the community there.