Easy Edtech Podcast With Monica Burns

Tech Tips for Teacher Wellness with Meredith Boullion - 240



In this episode, I chat with District Technology Facilitator and Author, Meredith Boullion, all about how teachers can prioritize wellness in the digital age. You'll also hear teacher wellness tips for setting boundaries, protecting personal information, and optimizing existing tech tools. If you're an educator seeking balance and well-being in your work and personal life, this episode is for you! Show notes: https://classtechtips.com/2023/11/7/teacher-wellness-240/  Sponsored by my free ebook with ChatGPT prompts: https://ClassTechTips.com/chatgptbook/  Follow Meredith on social: https://www.instagram.com/realtechfored/  Follow Monica on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/classtechtips/  Take your pick of free EdTech resources: https://classtechtips.com/free-stuff-favorites/