Homers Leadership Podcast

44. Beyond the Screen: Uncovering the Value of In-Person Interaction



Big thought: It’s easier now than ever to project a message for others to hear because of online platforms. You don’t need anyone’s permission to start a live video or launch a podcast. Any person who is convincing enough can create an online following that goes to them for guidance, lessons or advice. The only problem is that if your only experience is online experience, you will run out of relatability and sound perception quickly. Without actual in person ministry experiences, you will be limited in tested and tried feedback. You run the high risk of pretty much making things up as you go. And if your messages and posts become unhinged like that, you’ll end up being a story of the blind leading the blind. In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about how important it is to have in person ministry. We’re going to talk about the value of having both an online and face to face presence. We’re going to also unpack the necessity of building person to person experiences and how they build your character, percep