We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

031 Pam Kircher MD



Family doctor and hospice physician, Pam Kirchner's near death experience during an episode of meningitis at age 6 had a huge impact on how she has lived her life and formed her ideas of life after death.  In addition to being a doctor, she has written a book, "Love is the Link: A Hospice Doctor Shares her Experience of Near-Death and Dying" and given many talks on NDEs and death and dying.  For the last 15 years, her interest in "Tai Chi for Health" has led her to teach over 100 instructor workshops and educate the public and health care providers about the benefits of tai chi.  Three years ago, she studied transformational hypnotherapy and has used it to help people get in touch with deeper parts of themselves, including past lives and life between lives.  Now, retired at age 70, she is exploring living a quiet life in nature in Colorado with personal meditation and tai chi and occasional sessions of transformational hypnotherapy.