

Living a Purposeful Life   Take away: Understanding oneself and finding joy through growth and contribution Money Learnings: Damon did not receive any financial education from his family or school. His challenging childhood and the pursuit of success later in life were influenced by his desire to be seen and validated  Bio: Damon is a Realtor in Colorado who loves helping individuals buy, sell, and invest in real estate, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY AND PASSIONATELY, Damon loves helping them find clarity in the key areas of their life through a transformational coaching program/workshop called The Two Hour Turn Around. Damon is also a published author. His book, Walks with Mr. Smith, is an impactful parable consisting of Eight Life Lessons that if applied can be life-changing and is available on Amazon and other major sites. Damon is a former Div. 1 Athlete and loves presenting his powerful workshop to audiences large and small. Highlights from this episode:  The importance of balancing legacy and success, emphasizin