Living Springs Q&a

Inverted Orthodoxy #314- AER, Forgiving evil, Hearing God, The immoral brother, and maybe more!



On this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Doug, and Blake discuss the following:1.Does God ask us to forgive Evil? When the act is ongoing and so entirely demonic and evil and causes so much pain. I know the bible says "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" but what if they know exactly what they're doing? Is this christian culture that requires us to forgive EVERYTHIG maybe toxic in its own way? Where's the line?2. How do each of you process the times you thought you heard God say something to you or lead you a certain way only to experience the opposite coming true?3.Please reword this question if you need to as I’ve struggled for weeks with how to ask it. In 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 it talks about expelling the immoral brother from the church. How do we follow this teaching in today’s culture? How is this becoming the love of Jesus to those in our church? What is our role in peoples lives when they claim to love Jesus but seem to have no problems not following his commands to keep sex within the bou