Underground Usa

Are Tinfoil Hats Becoming A Fashion Statement?



As a precursor to today’s segment on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, I wanted to mention two things.First, please take some time to read The Anti-Freedom Movements Aren’t So Different, the featured story at Underground USA. It addresses the many and substantial parallels between the Islamist and Marxist ideologies and how the implementation of both – including their similar tactics and methods of indoctrination and oppression – have always ended in a dramatic loss of freedom and individualism. Simply stated, both ideologies subjugate the individual and kill freedom.Second, and this relates to the above in the fact that indoctrination – or more succinctly, brainwashing – results in a need for a re-institution of a person’s critical thinking ability. Once people have digested the Kool-Aid it takes great effort to free their minds; to liberate their minds so they can see things clearly; so the brainwashed can see clearly that oppressive and totalitarian ideologies are never the answer and, in fact, ensla