Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

How Effective Calls to Action Impact Podcast Profits



Today, we sit down for a heart-to-heart to unpack a major issue for business owners stepping into the podcasting world - the art of the call to action.  It's not just for acquiring new listeners or friends. Nurturing warm leads and keeping your existing fans engaged is just as, if not more, important. Let's end those throwaway calls to action we're all too familiar with and make our episodes drive results for our business and listeners. We must remember that part of delivering on the promise of our podcast is giving them the next step, moving them into some kind of action.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, I'll explain how (and why) we place our calls to action for this show and listen closely. There’s homework you get right at the top of the show because you’re going to take action TODAY by putting together a review of your own podcast CTAs.02:00 - Start taking action right now. Grab a pen and use this episode to build your own checklist04:20 - The key to becoming a better po