Mpr News With Kerri Miller

Tour the galaxy with the 'Bad Astronomer'



Can you imagine a day when families visit the moon for summer vacation? When travel to see Saturn’s rings up close is a romantic getaway? When humans living on Mars schedule tours of Olympus Mons — a volcano roughly the size of Arizona?The day is coming. But since it’s not possible quite yet, the would-be space traveler can do the next best thing: Take the scenic route through the galaxy with astronomer and science communicator Philip Plait in his new book, “Under Alien Skies.” Written as a lively adventure through the cosmos, Plait uses both the latest scientific research and a lively imagination to transport readers to ten of the most astonishing sights space has to offer.This week on Big Books and Bold Ideas, Plait joined host Kerri Miller to give listeners a personal tour through the galaxy. Guest: Philip Plait is an astronomer, a self-proclaimed sci-fi dork and all-around science enthusiast. His latest book is “Under Alien Skies: A Sightseer's Guide to the Universe.” He also writes the Bad Astronomy