Gotham Press

Take 2



Late but still here! Hello all! The Gotham Press is here with a late episode to entertain just before December officially hits! This go round is the second attempt at this one, but full of fun. A new roster this episode with a couple of first timers to the show. We talk Invincible, Scott Pilgrim and discuss Marvel in general There are so very many tangents this episode... Then back on track with what is the nerdiest toy you've used during kink. We talk about how kink is with two switches. Discussing the holiday season in America. Guys and their prostate. As always, we hope you enjoy the time you spend with us Gothamites. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon/FetLife/Discord/Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Spotify -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Association with JW Paddles Carmilla The First Steel Brat Pacis Thief's Touch