Podcast Talent Coach

Speaking to Sell – PTC 469



SPEAKING TO ATTRACT YOUR IDEAL CLIENTS If you want to get in front of new listeners, speaking is a powerful way to spread your message. MY SPEAKING FIRST It was a thrill the first time I was in front of a big crowd, because I wasn't on stage by myself and I didn't speak. It was 1994. The radio station team was on stage welcoming the crowd to our 16th birthday bash featuring REO Speedwagon, Starship and Cheap Trick. 8,500 people were in the crowd cheering for us. That's when I realized the crowd wanted to see us. More importantly, they wanted to see us succeed. When you are on stage, the audience typically wants you to be successful. But when you do trip up, it shows you are human just like them. MY BIG SPEAKING DISASTER One year I was emceeing the annual banquet for our high school hockey league. There was roughly 150 high school hockey players along with their parents in the audience. I was reading from a script I didn't write. It was prepared for me by the committee. The script said, "The season got off to