Denise Griffitts - Your Partner In Success!

Ben Gay and Denise Griffitts - Save As Much As You Want



Welcome, listeners, to another episode of "The Closers Inner Circle Podcast" hosted by Your Partner In Success Radio. I'm your host Denise Griffitts and together with my co-host Ben Gay III we're diving into the world of sales mastery with a gem from The Closers Pt 2. These books (1 and 2) are widely known as the Sales Bibles. Our focus is on a chapter titled "Save As Much As You Want" from "The Closers, Pt 2," specifically on page 71. Get ready for insights that transcend the sales landscape—Ben unpacks a treasure trove of wisdom that goes beyond just closing deals. This isn't just about what works now; it's about planting seeds for future success. Join us as we explore the art of saving as much as you want and discover how this knowledge can sprout into innovative ideas on your sales journey. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to sales excellence! Find us on the web: Denise Griffitts | Denise Griffitts LinkedIn | Ben Gay III LinkedIn | The Closers Books | Your Partner In Success Radio