Masquerade Podcast: Unexplained Mysteries With Author Steph Young

The soldier, boxer, blackbelt, who healed people through God



H Healer and clairvoyant John Cain stood in the local civic hall with his hands on a patient, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and a bottle of whiskey nearby. As you can imagine, he was not typical of many involved in the spiritualist movement, whose attitude at times can tend towards holier than thou. Cain was born in 1931 in the village of Eastham, Merseyside, near Liverpool. During his national service in the Army he was a physical training instructor, and he was also a boxer and black belt in Judo. In 1956 he started his own business as a blacksmith and he became incredibly successful, employing thirty people and driving a Rolls Royce; but he would soon give it all up to devote himself to giving spiritual healing for free to anyone in need. One day, he’d been sitting in the pub with his wife, as he did most evenings, when he noticed he could see something out of the corner of his eye that looked like shimmering mist. Instinctively, he believed this had to be some kind of ‘energy,’ and he felt suddenly