Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Know Your Rights! Navigating the Legal Landscape of Diabetes with Lawyer John Griffin



Do you know your rights with diabetes? Our guest this week is John Griffin, a trial lawyer with more than 30 years of advocating in and out of the courtroom. He lives with type 2 himself – this is an eye opening and useful conversation. Griffin served as National Chair of the Board of the American Diabetes Association in 2011, and is the former Chair of the Association’s Legislative and Regulatory Subcommittee. Also, if you’ve been given a blood glucose meter you probably know how to use it, but do you know how it works? We’ll explain the chemistry going on here This podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you have those kinds of questions, please contact your health care provider. More information about how your glucose meter works:  More about c-peptide  The information explaining Metformin comes from DiaTribe Find out more about Moms' Night Out  Please visit our Sponsors & Partners - they help make the show possible! Take Control with Afrezza  Omnipod - Simplify Life Learn about Dexcom  Edgepar