Pamela R Haynes

Pamela R Haynes interviews novelist Dorothy Koomson.



When I write about myself, I tend to slip off into writing about my books. But not here! Here, I am going to tell you about me. Where do I begin? Well, books and reading have been a huge part of my life since I was very young. My mum taught me – and my siblings – to read and write when I was in nursery. As I got older, I used to go to the library every day after school to read books and I used to write short descriptive passages all the time. And, of course, I whiled away many, many hours daydreaming and creating stories in my head. At the grand old age of 13, I finally wrote my first novel called There’s A Thin Line Between Love And Hate. I used to write a chapter every night in my exercise books then pass it around to my fellow convent school pupils the next morning. They seemed to love it. I grew up in London and then grew up again in Leeds when I went to university at Trinity and All Saints College (as it was then). I later returned to London to study for my masters degree in journalism at Goldsmiths U