Money Matters With Wes Moss

A Gold Medal for Positivity with Scott Hamilton



Arguably the most recognized male figure skater in the world, Scott Hamilton has won seventy titles, awards, and honors, including an Emmy nomination, induction into the United States Olympic Hall of Fame, and the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame. He later became a fan-favorite analyst/commentator, performer, producer, and best-selling author. He even shared the big screen with Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler in the classic comedy Blades of Glory. As fierce as the competition was in the skating rink, he’s experienced even more challenges off the ice. Scott lost his mother to cancer and survived four separate rounds of it in his own life. Now, he makes sure his actions are meaningful physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Otherwise, he says, it’s as unbalanced as sitting in a three-legged chair. Now married with four children, Scott is an activist, having launched the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation (Cancer Alliance for Research, Education and Survivorship). He also founded several education a