Pacey Performance Podcast

Using sprinting as a movement screen with international rugby players with Tom Tombleson



In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is joined by Tom Tombleson, Senior Strength and Conditioning Coach with England Rugby. A significant part of their conversation focuses on the innovative use of the warm-up as a movement screen. This technique, honed through his extensive experience in various coaching roles, including his time at Super Rugby with the New South Wales Waratahs, allows for a detailed analysis of each player's physical capabilities and movement patterns. Tom emphasizes the importance of this method in individualizing player training. By assessing players during the warm-up, he can tailor exercises to their specific needs, enhancing overall performance and reducing the risk of injury. This approach represents a shift from traditional warm-up routines, integrating functional movement assessment into the very start of training sessions. Tom shares how this strategy not only optimizes physical readiness for training but also serves as an ongoing tool to monitor player progress an