Mamas Con Ganas Podcast

Entrepreneurship and Nurturing All Facets of Life



Interview with Richelle Garcia Peña, entrepreneur, author and lifestyle leader. In this episode, you'll feel inspired to nurture all the different facets of your life. It's not about creating the perfect balance but rather understanding that it's possible to live a very colorful and gratifying life when you lead with love. Richelle is a much sought after expert on entrepreneurship and lifestyle. Here she tells us how she managed to build and then sell a multi-million dollar business all while raising 3 young children. Richelle talks about the secrets to working with your spouse successfully, the role of God and spirituality in her life, not shying away from sacrifice and prioritizing your physical well-being. She also talks about her new entrepreneurial adventures in consulting and coaching, paying it forward and what keeps her motivated. Leave me your questions and comments on this episode: Download my free abundance meditation: