The Georgia Politics Podcast

SPECIAL: At the crossroads of politics and HOAs



Welcome to The Georgia Politics Podcast! On this special episode we discuss Homeowners Associations and the similarities they have with today’s politics. Michael Crew, Owner and CEO of Homeowner Management Services, joins Craig in studio to talk about what an HOA is, how they work, and what they can and cannot do. A Homeowners Association (HOA) is a private governing body established within a residential community to enforce and manage certain rules and regulations. Typically, HOAs maintain common areas, such as parks or pools, ensuring they are well-kept and enhancing property values. They administer architectural guidelines to maintain aesthetic standards and regulate property modifications. Additionally, HOAs collect fees from homeowners to fund communal services and amenities. Acting as a mediator, an HOA resolves disputes among residents and facilitates community cohesion. Through these functions, HOAs aim to preserve property values, foster a harmonious living environment, and uphold a sense of communit