Vineyard Church Of Ann Arbor Sermon Podcast

The Promises of God - Zechariah



The Promises of God - Zechariah by Pastor Marissa Ortiz Jadrich - Like us on or watch our livestream Sundays @ 10:45am - In this sermon, Pastor Marissa delves into the theme of the Promises of God. She highlights the importance of promises not as tests of faith, but as foundations for hope. Pastor Marissa encourages us to see hope not as certainty about the future, but as envisioning a future different from the present and moving towards it with God. She discusses how faith and belief play crucial roles in embracing and enjoying God's promises, using the biblical story of Zechariah to illustrate how doubts and faith coexist in our relationship with God. Pastor Marissa explains that promises are not just about big miracles but also about everyday assurances of God's presence and guidance. She shares personal anecdotes and biblical narratives to show how promises manifest in various forms - from an angel's message to Zechariah and Elizabeth about thei