Denise Griffitts - Your Partner In Success!

Ben Gay III - What Do You Do For a Living?



Unlocking Sales Success: The Closers Inner Circle Podcast Dives into The Closers Pt 2, Page 157: What Do You Do For a Living? Hey, closers! Welcome back to another power-packed episode of "The Closers Inner Circle Podcast" with your hosts Denise Griffitts and Ben Gay III. Today, we're delving deep into the art of closing deals, picking up where we left off on page 157. Elmer Wheeler once dropped the golden nugget of sales wisdom: "Find a need and fill it." Simple, yet profound. In the world of closers, understanding your client's needs is like wielding a magic wand. It's not just about selling a product; it's about fulfilling a requirement, solving a problem, or making life a tad bit easier. And then, enter the legendary Zig Ziglar with his timeless philosophy: "You can get what you want if you help enough other people get what they want first." Closers, take note! Success in sales is not a solo journey. It's a collaborative dance where understanding, empathy, and genuine care pave the way to closing those