Hong Kong Confidential

S1E89: 89| Open Relationships



Dating and Relationships Coach Valentina Tudose talks to us about open relationships and polyamory. We explore the boundaries and rules that can make open relationships work and some of the challenges that people in open relationships may face. Valentina explains all the wonderful benefits of being in an open relationship and how our attitudes towards sex are linked to our values.  She shares her personal experience being in a 10-year open relationship with her long-term partner who sadly passed away this year. Topics such as swinging, consent, safe sex, and comperson are discussed. When Valentina coaches people wanting to embark on an open relationship, she starts with discussing their values, the vision for their relationship and their deal breakers. The Five Languages of Love are explained to us and the different types of relationships that we can have. Valentina believes that sex is the glue of a relationship and being open and vulnerable can increase intimacy levels. An open relationship can be an o