Hong Kong Confidential

S1E88: 88| The Sleep Specialist



Kate Bridle is a polysomnographer, more commonly known as a sleep specialist. She talks to us about all aspects of sleeping well. Kate shares her knowledge on sleep hygiene, chronic insomnia and habits that can help us to sleep better. We discuss many things that impact our sleep such as diet, exercise, light, alcohol and many more factors. It is important that we have an anchor time that we wake up at each day if we want to develop good sleeping habits. Teenagers should not stay up cramming at night and Kate explains how vital sleep is for retaining information in the brain and doing well in exams. Kate gives us tips to stop snoring and how this can also be linked to sleep apnea. She discusses diet and the gut/brain connection as this can have a huge impact on our sleep. We also explore sleep walking along with REM behavior disorders. Kate shares some of her experiences when researching sleep disorders while she was at university. We learn ways that we can turn our minds off so that we can get to sleep and t