Vineyard Church Of Ann Arbor Sermon Podcast

The Promises of God - Our Story in the Light of God's Promises



The Promises of God - Our Story in the Light of God's Promises by Pastor Marissa Ortiz Jadrich - Like us on or watch our livestream Sundays @ 10:45am - Pastor Marissa encourages us to explore our personal narratives in the context of Jesus' life, as detailed by the different Gospel writers, in her sermon from the Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor. Part of the "Promises of God" series and titled "Embracing Our Story in the Light of God's Promises," the sermon delves into how each Gospel author uniquely presents Jesus' story, urging us to reflect on how these perspectives resonate with our own life experiences. Whether it's our family background, achievements, or significant historical events we've witnessed, she emphasizes that our stories are integral to our identity and purpose. She invites the congregation to see themselves as part of a larger narrative, one that is deeply loved and cherished by God. This divine love and acceptance, Pastor Marissa sugg