

Episode 427 – But a Symptom   Today we have Ian, he is 24, from Baltimore, MD and he has been alcohol free since December 26, 2022.   What are you doing for Memorial Day?  You should join Recovery Elevator in Atlanta! We have an event for Café RE members on Saturday and then Sunday night we have a conference style event that everyone is invited to attend. Information about the Sunday night event can be found here. Café RE members can get more information through the members website if they are interested in the weekend event.   Exact Nature:   [02:15] Thoughts from Paul:   If alcohol isn’t the primary problem, and it’s a symptom of something else, what does that mean, and what course of action do we take? None of us are able to correct the unrest in our lives when alcohol is present. That’s why moderate drinking for the problematic drinker doesn’t work either.   For Paul, after he ditched the booze, he recognized that his nervous system needed healing and found that nature