Church At The Red Door

Jeremiah, the Weeping Prophet



Wow! Here we are at the beginning of a brand spanking new year. Are you able to comprehend the speed of time? It is astounding to me when I think about the fragility of our "frame" and the inexorable march of time. There is truly no time to spare, my friends. Last week, we began trying to make sense of Jesus weeping over Jerusalem and then overturning the money changers tables in the courtyard of what was supposed to be a sacred and hallowed space. What was Jesus trying to communicate with these two notable events? I gave you my take last week. I think it is incredibly important for us right here in the 21st century. I don't know about you, but I want to squeeze every ounce of detail out of Jesus' life that I can. Was He blazing a trail for us to walk two millennia later? Did Jeremiah play a role in his day as well? Is there more to the story than first meets the eye? I think the framework will give us an amazing template for making a few New Year's resolutions. Let's try and adopt the Apostle Paul's