Pacey Performance Podcast

Optimising tackle technique and building confidence in contact with Andy Ryland



In this informative episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, host Rob Pacey is joined by Andy Ryland, Senior Manager of Education and Training at USA Football. They delve into the critical aspects of tackle technique in rugby and American Football, and the importance of building confidence in contact situations across sports.  Andy, with his rich background in both American football and rugby, shares invaluable insights into the differences and similarities in coaching styles and tackle techniques between the two sports. The discussion emphasizes the evolution of tackle technique, focusing on neck safety and the reduction of head and helmet impacts. Andy highlights the significance of proper head placement and shoulder contact to minimize injuries. The episode also explores how technical models for coaching certification can enhance safety and tackle effectiveness in football, alongside conditioning drills like grappling and tumbling to build athlete confidence. Additionally, they discuss the importance of n