Beth Ariel La Podcast

What Are The Seventy Weeks of Daniel? 01-13-24



Recorded on January 13, 2024 at Tarzana.In this message, Rabbi Gary investigates the meaning of the seventy weeks prophecy that was provided by Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27). Yeshua had said, "Then when you see the abomination that makes desolate spoken by the prophet Daniel standing in the holy place (let the reader understand).." (Matthew 24:15). This statement by Yeshua necessitates that we turn our attention to what Daniel had written. What we learn is what is meant by "weeks," for whom these "weeks" are decreed, what is to take place during this period of time, and the starting point when these "weeks" begin. Next message we will address the meaning of the phrase "Messiah Prince" (vs. 25), what will take place after the 483rd year of the 490 Years (seventy sevens), and what will initiate the final seven years. YouTube:Service with message: Worship with Yaron Cherniak:https://yout