The Free Zone W/ Freeman Fly

State Of Mind – Lauda Leon



What are the Keys to our quantum Sovereignty, emancipation and ultimate Liberation? Can you pull the carpet out from under your own feet and see if you float? The choice is coming. This is a pivotal moment for humanity. Can the public ever accept the bizarre reality of this? Should we seek justice? Or, is doing so leading to our own demise? Is there a third option to humanities salvation? A.I., DNA manipulation, and cloning with computer mind-transfer technology is just the beginning of understanding the perils of the 21st century. It's going to be a wild ride! Do you feel like you have enough friends and family to weather this storm? Can we remove our agreement and seek the world of our dreams? Visit Lauda Leon or Sovereign Ki is an experiencer of many forms of anomalous interference and entered as an incarnate with pre-birth consciousness memories, including future time lines and advance knowledge of events to come. She has lived 'in between worlds', with comprehensions of the nature of t