The Free Zone W/ Freeman Fly

Sounds of Mind Control – Leo Zagami



For the first time the secret mission of Hollywood, which was created to change society and prepare the way for the coming Antichrist and the End times is exposed. Thanks to the incredible amount of well-researched information, as well as the personal testimony of the author, who was involved in the entertainment industry through his own work as a record producer, you will learn about not only the diabolic roots of contemporary music. We'll learn how the Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic conspiracy landed in Hollywood amongst occult rituals and the first silent films, all linked from the very beginning to the U.S. Military Industrial Complex and the Global Banking Cartel, that has transformed the original American dream into a Satanic “woke” nightmare under the precepts of the Prophet of dissolution, Aleister Crowley. Leo Zagami is an international author and investigative journalist. Volume 8, of his Confession series, arrives with an unprecedented dual-language publication available in both Italian and English