The Dating Den

Life Check Yourself 435 – The Real Reason (You Don’t Wanna Hear) Ur Relationships Always Feel Hard with Stephen Muiriri



Marni welcomes transformational speaker and relationship coach, Stephen Muiriri to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo discusses why women feel trapped in certain relationships and how to overcome that feeling and find their authentic value. Stephen has helped thousands of women overcome dating challenges and find true love. In this conversation, he talks about the importance of finding your value and harnessing that energy to communicate it to yourself and those around you. And that value isn’t just limited to the physical, it is much deeper than that. What do you stand for? What are your values? What are your principles? That is where the beauty really is.      How to let go of the past    Rediscover yourself    Take a step back and reassess   The Sum Cost Policy [06:47]   When you continue to invest in something that is failing, the cost starts outweighing the benefits in your mind. And that’s where the challenge lies. It’s what keeps you there despite knowing better.   They think about wh