Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Tone-Deaf to the Times: Has HR Lagged Behind the Modern Workforce?



This episode takes a critical look at the role of Human Resources (HR) in the evolving landscape of the modern workplace. Denise Cooper and Deborah Walsh explore whether HR practices have kept pace with the rapid changes in work culture, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, technological advancements, and shifting employee expectations.Deborah and Denise talk about the skills, wisdom, and abilities of HR professionals to successfully connect and enable the business to grow and endure the changes ahead. Honest and insightful, acknowledging the current challenges HR faces but offering clear solutions and a path towards regaining trust and relevance.Engaging and conversational, featuring practical insights and real-world anecdotes from experienced professionals.The five skills HR professionals need to remain relevant. The questions executives secretly ask about HR the function and why HR is progressing. Forward-looking, emphasizing the need for HR to adapt and innovate to meet the demands